Listing Options

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Listing Options | Find Your Investigator

List Your Business With Find Your Investigator

Find Your Investigator’s free listing allows for private investigators to include all their essential business information in a simple, straightforward listing. While simply filling out our free listing will assist in bolstering your digital presence and include you in the fastest growing PI-specific online directory, our platform allows for a variety of additional features to be unlocked that will improve your performance even more! Our paid listings unlock on-site advertising options, algorithm priority, strong backlinks and an even greater SEO efficacy. Unlike other directories and private investigation websites, we pride ourselves on standing out from the competition with one crucial factor: results.

Why List With Find Your Investigator?

Unlike other directories, Find Your Investigator combines decades of private investigation experience with a purpose-built platform for optimal digital marketing results. Because of our agency-minded approach to digital marketing, our platform proudly offers more relevant traffic for your business than other directories. In addition to the organic traffic your free listing will draw, our on-site advertising options and algorithmic priority given to paid listings will only further improve your business’ online presence and performance.

Our Listing Options

Free: Our free listing allows private investigators across the United States to add their businesses to our directory. You’ll have access to adding your business’ Google Map location, what services you offer, along with adding a 300-word description of your business to bolster your listing’s SEO performance. However, algorithm priority and on-site visibility is minimal when compared to the paid listings below.

Verified: Our Verified listing offers your business a priority listing within our search algorithm – allowing for even greater visibility within our directory. It’s an affordable way to make sure you don’t miss out on any qualified traffic!

Expert: The Expert listing stands out as our most commonly chosen option – it combines the affordability of the Verified listing with many of the premium features afforded by the Featured listing. If you’re looking to maximize your digital presence and ensure you properly capture users in your market, the Expert listing is likely right for you.

Featured: As our top-of-the-line listing option, the Featured listing unlocks front-page visibility on our website – allowing you to leverage the full strength of our site for your business! Between a homepage ad, a strong backlink and top-level SEO prominence, our Featured listing is reserved for private investigators looking to completely dominate their market.

Get Qualified Leads From Affordable Listings

Unlike other directories, Find Your Investigator aims to offer PIs a platform that actually serves their business’ needs. By increasing your digital presence and regularly appearing in search results for related queries, Find Your Investigator draws in “quality”, motivated traffic that actually generates leads. Other directories may boast impressive raw traffic numbers, but if that traffic is irrelevant, it simply doesn’t matter. We strive to ensure that every attorney, law firm and private party searching for a qualified private investigator finds what they’re looking for at Find Your Investigator – ensure you’re the first to show up when they start looking!