Private investigators License Montana Requirements

The following is general licensing information. Please visit the states website for specific licensing detailed information, application forms, insurance requirements, education and training, fees, and any special licensing requirements.

Investigators General Licensing Requirements:

  • You must possess a high school diploma or the equivalent.
  • You must be at least 21 years old.
  • You must be a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident of the United States.
  • You must have no felony convictions or convictions involving more turpitude or the illegal use or possession of a dangerous weapon.
  • You must have no dishonorable discharge from the U.S. military.
  • You must not suffer from alcohol or narcotics addition or dependence.
  • You must be willing to undergo a background investigation and fingerprint check by the Montana Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation

CLICK HERE to verify an investigators license in Montana!

Private Investigators Licensing Authority in Montana

Board of Private Security & Investigations
PO Box 200513
Helena, MT 59620-0513
Physical Address:
Board of Private Security & Investigations
301 S. Park Avenue
4th Floor
Helena, MT 59620
Professional Licensing Customer Service:
(406) 444-6880

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