National Intelligence Service


Address: 20411 West 12 Mile Rd suite 203 Southfield, MI 48076, Southfield


Address: 20411 West 12 Mile Rd suite 203 Southfield, MI 48076, Southfield

City: Southfield

Areas of Coverage: Southfield, Royal Oak, MI, St clair shores, MI, ferndale, MI, Detroit, MI

Specialities: Criminal


The National Intelligence Service is a private intelligence agency that provides intelligence collection and analysis, advocacy, and world class consulting services.

We design and implement logical and long-term strategic solutions tailored to achieve individualized success for our valued clients.

The National Intelligence Service uses sophisticated technical capabilities and expert human intelligence tactics to accurately assess a client’s case, unearth options to attain the solutions and results desired by our clients. Whether a client is looking to discreetly protect or gain back assets, or they prefer an intensive, more stentorian approach, we bring decades of expertise to fight for the client with laser like precision.