North Carolina Association of Private Investigators

North Carolina Association of Private Investigators

The North Carolina Association of Private Investigators, Inc. was chartered in 1987 and is the oldest association of Private Investigators in the State. NCAPI is a non profit Corporation.

North Carolina Association Of Private Investigators

Constitution Preamble

We, Licensed Private Investigators of the State of North Carolina, do hereby associate and organize for the following purpose:

To support and defend the Constitutions of the United States and the State of North Carolina; to promote and foster the enforcement of law and order; to improve the individual proficiency of our members in the performance of their duties; to promote and encourage social, charitable, and educational activities and opportunities among Private Investigators; to advocate and strive for uniform application of the rules and regulations of the Private Protective Services Board; to apply to the Private Protective Services Board for changes and improvements in the regulation of Private Investigators; to create a tradition of Esprit de Corps insuring fidelity to duty under all conditions and circumstances; to promote and maintain the highest ethical practices and standards in the profession of Private Investigator; to perpetuate a spirit of cooperation among its members, and with all those engaged in law enforcement; and to further establish a mutual feeling of trust, goodwill, honesty, and friendship among agencies throughout the State of North Carolina and the United States.
