The North Carolina Association of Private Investigators, Inc. was chartered in 1987 and is the oldest association of Private Investigators in the State. NCAPI is a non profit Corporation.
North Carolina Association Of Private Investigators
Constitution Preamble
We, Licensed Private Investigators of the State of North Carolina, do hereby associate and organize for the following purpose:
To support and defend the Constitutions of the United States and the State of North Carolina; to promote and foster the enforcement of law and order; to improve the individual proficiency of our members in the performance of their duties; to promote and encourage social, charitable, and educational activities and opportunities among Private Investigators; to advocate and strive for uniform application of the rules and regulations of the Private Protective Services Board; to apply to the Private Protective Services Board for changes and improvements in the regulation of Private Investigators; to create a tradition of Esprit de Corps insuring fidelity to duty under all conditions and circumstances; to promote and maintain the highest ethical practices and standards in the profession of Private Investigator; to perpetuate a spirit of cooperation among its members, and with all those engaged in law enforcement; and to further establish a mutual feeling of trust, goodwill, honesty, and friendship among agencies throughout the State of North Carolina and the United States.