Metro SIU

Address: 1043 Grand Ave, St Paul, MN 55105


Address: 1043 Grand Ave, St Paul, MN 55105

Areas of Coverage: Minnesota


Our staff consists of seasoned veteran law enforcement and legal personnel. Each of them brings their own unique investigative skills and specialty areas. They have over 100 years combined experience in the law enforcement and legal profession. They are committed to working together in an effort to provide clients with the best investigative services possible.

During their careers in both the public and private sector, they have conducted countless investigations. These investigations have ranged from simple to very complex investigations. Investigations have ranged from locating missing persons to investigating complex “cold case” death investigations which have been over 20 years old.  During these “cold case” death investigations new facts were discovered which were unknown and/or overlooked in the past.  By utilizing today’s tools and technology coupled with our experienced investigators has resulted in a complete thorough investigation and final closure for family and friends.